Darwinius masillae

Update Vois aussi (et surtout) Darwinius masillae – bis, puis prenez le temps de fare un tour sur le blog 😉

Il est tout mignon ce petit !


Il semble que c’est un petit non pas seulement par la taille mais aussi par l’âge.

Pour en savoir un peu plus sur Darwinius masillae, le papier (d’où vient la photo ci-dessus, de Franzen et al. en Open Access :

Franzen JL, Gingerich PD, Habersetzer J, Hurum JH, von Koenigswald W, et al. (2009)

Complete Primate Skeleton from the Middle Eocene of Messel in Germany: Morphology and Paleobiology.

PLoS ONE 4(5): e5723. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005723

The best European locality for complete Eocene mammal skeletons is Grube Messel, near Darmstadt, Germany. Although the site was surrounded by a para-tropical rain forest in the Eocene, primates are remarkably rare there, and only eight fragmentary specimens were known until now. Messel has now yielded a full primate skeleton. The specimen has an unusual history: it was privately collected and sold in two parts, with only the lesser part previously known. The second part, which has just come to light, shows the skeleton to be the most complete primate known in the fossil record.

Methodology/Principal Findings
We describe the morphology and investigate the paleobiology of the skeleton. The specimen is described as Darwinius masillae n.gen. n.sp. belonging to the Cercamoniinae. Because the skeleton is lightly crushed and bones cannot be handled individually, imaging studies are of particular importance. Skull radiography shows a host of teeth developing within the juvenile face. Investigation of growth and proportion suggest that the individual was a weaned and independent-feeding female that died in her first year of life, and might have attained a body weight of 650–900 g had she lived to adulthood. She was an agile, nail-bearing, generalized arboreal quadruped living above the floor of the Messel rain forest.

Darwinius masillae represents the most complete fossil primate ever found, including both skeleton, soft body outline and contents of the digestive tract. Study of all these features allows a fairly complete reconstruction of life history, locomotion, and diet. Any future study of Eocene-Oligocene primates should benefit from information preserved in the Darwinius holotype. Of particular importance to phylogenetic studies, the absence of a toilet claw and a toothcomb demonstrates that Darwinius masillae is not simply a fossil lemur, but part of a larger group of primates, Adapoidea, representative of the early haplorhine diversification.

  1. #1 par Yvic le Mai 19, 2009 - 10:06

    What a cutie pie!

  2. #2 par samia le Mai 20, 2009 - 10:53

    comment un fossile de 45 millions d’anées a t-il pu été retrouver en entier

  3. #3 par samia le Mai 20, 2009 - 10:54

    je veut une reponse

  4. #4 par Oldcola le Mai 20, 2009 - 11:58

    De la même façon que des rochers plus vieux encore. Ceci dit, Samia, t’as pas été lire le papier, t’aurais su qu’il était cassé en deux.

  5. #5 par Oldcola le Mai 20, 2009 - 12:42

    Va savoir pourquoi, j’arrête pas à me marrer en t’imaginant taper du pied pour avoir ta réponse 😀

    Faudrait commencer par te calmer quand tu écris un commentaire, on sent la nervosité aux fautes de frappe 😉

  6. #6 par smitty jenkins le Mai 20, 2009 - 1:09

    Why isn’t she holding a banana? Or MY banana?

  7. #7 par Denis le Mai 20, 2009 - 2:44

    Les mêmes raisons qui font qu’un être existe : la chance !

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